So I wanted to post about my 2007, but let's be honest, I didn't know what to write and I've been to lazy...So, I decided to just post this little survey instead. It mostly covers my year with a few little diddies added in. Au revoir 2007 and hola 2008!!
1) Where did you begin 2007?
At Erika's apartment. We had a rousing night...definitely feel asleep at 12:05 and when my sister called to say Happy New year she thought I was drunk. Nope, just sleeping...So lame.
2) What was your status on Valentine's Day?
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
No sir-wahoo!
4) How did you earn your money?
La Petite Academy and as a nanny
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Not for myself, but for my dad. Dang kidney stones...we almost made it through '07 without incident and on Dec. 23rd the man gets kidney stones. Seriously. I also went to visit Stacy when she had Piper!! :) Yeah for babies! :)
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Never in my life.
7) Where did you go on vacation?
Did I even have a vacation...?? I took some little trips; the beach, Disneyland, Seattle a couple of times. Nothing major!
8) Did you buy anything over $1000?
Yeah right...I'd probably get an ulcer.
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
The question is when do I not know somebody whose getting married?? I only went to a couple of weddings this year, thank goodness.
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Nobody directly linked to me, but I'm close to some people who lost others they were close to. So sad...
12) Did you move anywhere?
Why yes I did. Thank you for asking.
15) Are you registered to vote?
Always...except sometimes you forget to actually do it. Oops!!
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
No thanks.
17) Where do you live now?
Portland, Or baby!
18) Describe your birthday? was the first birthday when I actually felt old!! Dang the mid-20's. It was a good day. Em and I watched lots of Grey's Anatomy and then went out to dinner. Low-key, but nice.
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
Move out. I had a really good, FREE thing going at my parents, but it was time. And it's been a fabulous change, even though I was so stressed out about it I got sick and was throwing up for two days prior. Only me...
20) What has been your favorite moment(s)?
Not sure...There's been a LOT of change in my life, which I am definitely not a big fan of. But a lot of the change has been for the better. This is random, but I think one of the best moments was when I went and visited my brother's grave. It was a long time coming and it was a very sweet, emotional, freeing time. Also, when my sister and brother-in-law surprised us by coming on Christmas day instead of the next day. I was really having a hard time with all the change that was happening around Christmas and I was so excited that they were there that I screamed for awhile and then just sat down and cried. It was good...
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
I didn't realize how obsessive I am until this year. I'm not really into the whole compulsion thing, but obsessiveness--here I come! Which also leads to stress and anxiety...awesome. Sign me up!
22) Any new additions to your family?
My sister's boyfriend and his two kids.
23.) What was your worst month?
I don't know if I had a worse month...March was pretty stressful because I was getting ready to move, was part of a church plant that was starting up in April and was seriously thinking about quiting my job. Overload!!
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
Colbie Callait. Love that girl!
25.) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
I'm not a drinker. Somehow Emily gets me to drink...too much. I'm a ridiculous lightweight and I always end up tipsy when I drink with her. Apparently I'm funnier than normal, so that's good.
26) Made new friends?
Actually a lot, which is pretty big because, let's be honest, I don't love meeting new people.
27) New best friend?
Not really, but some new good friends for sure.
28) Favorite Night?
That's a hard one...probably the American Idol concert with Emily. So lame, but SO MUCH FUN!!!! :)