Today is the day that my dear friend Stacy Suzanne (Hill) Crain was born, 28 years ago. I am so very glad that her parents decided to procreate and she was the amazing result of that!
Stacy and I met about 14 years ago at cheerleading tryouts the spring before our freshman year of high school. I saw her and couldn't figure out why somebody's little sister was there. She was a tad on the tiny side! :) We ended up making the squad together, were in the same stunt group, were science partners and in choir together. We became dear friends, and that has continued on to today.
Stacy had her daughter Piper about three months before Claudia was born and it has been so much fun for us to do play dates together. We have been able to meet almost every week since the girls were about 3-6months and it has been a HUGE blessing for all of us. We were walking to the park with the kids just this last week and we looked at each other and wondered how we got there. Are we really carting around two kids each?? It seems like just yesterday we were freshman in high school, cheering together and causing a ruckus in Mr. Starr's science class.
Stacy, thank you for your friendship. Thank you for loving me no matter what and for always being there. Thank you for dropping what you're doing to be there for me when I need you. I don't know how many times I've called you in tears and you have been there, no questions asked. Knowing that I can come to you with anything is so relieving to me. Sometimes I wonder how we ended up as friends--we're so different! :) But I know that my life wouldn't be the same without you. You mean the world to me!! I hope that you have an amazing birthday. Know that you are dearly loved! Let's be friends until we're 98. :) (Of course if I'm still alive at 98, I give you full permission to shoot me. Who wants to be alive at 98??) Love you sister!!