Okay, so I know that I just posted, but I have to brag for a minute about how cute my nephews are!!! I know that pretty much everybody that reads this also reads my Sister-in-law and brother's blog and already read all about Jake and Ty, but they are just too cute for words. I wanted to post a couple of pictures of them because, well basically, because I can. :)

Jake being cute and making funny faces!
Brothers!! I love that they're holding hands in both pictures. Just makes me melt...
Ps. All pictures provided by my cell phone! Gotta love modern technology! :)
Okay, so seriously - do you guys have any idea how much Ty looks like your Dad when he was little? And I hope it's okay that I found your blog and peek in sometimes!
Aunt Zona
I'm just astounded at their beauty. Their parents must be gorgeous.
ok, i wrote my tag...FINALLY!!!
The best part is, you knew what that tv show is!!! which means, you MUST watch it!!! hahaha :) they are skankish, but it's funny to watch. Maybe I shall replace that show (since the finale is this weekend) with the new bachelor, the "hotest sexiest bachelor, The Bachelor has ever seen"...right. He looks like Stiffler with big muscles, I don't the actors real life name.
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