Saturday, October 11, 2008

Seriously, so old...

Last night, which happened to be a Friday, I was lying in bed and was rudely awoken by my neighbors down the stree BLARING their music. Like I'm pretty sure that they set up the speakers underneath my window. Well, at least it sounded like it. My first thought was that Jered was in the next room listening to music so obnoxiously loud that he would go deaf at the age of 25 and I was seriously ready to give him the business (he was actually downstairs on the computer so he's innocent of all charges). Once I realized that it was actually coming from outside I got way beyond irritated and was about two seconds away from calling the cops and being "that" neighbor. I mean really. Hello--don't you realize that people are trying to sleep??!! I looked at my phone to see what time it was and realized that it was 9:55. On a Friday night. And I was not only already in bed, but I was asleep. Pathetic. I decided to give them a little slack and rolled back over and went back to sleep. I thought that maybe it was just from the long week and all of that. Not so much. Tonight Jered and I were hanging out with Ryan and Ashley and one of our Young Life kids. He happened to tell us how old he thought we were and said that he thought Jered and I were "somewhere in our thirties." EXCUSE ME!! I am NOT somewhere in my 30's. But then I feel asleep in the chair at 9:50 with the lights on and the tv blaring the Duck game and proved his point. Perfect.

1 comment:

Zona Wilson said...

Wait until you're 50 and people in their 20's and 30's dismiss you because how could you possibly be so old and still be revelant?