Sunday, July 1, 2007

My First Blog

Well, I've done it. I've become a blogger. I'm sure that I'll be one of the annoying people that post something new once every six months because, well, my life is just that exciting! I always love looking at everybody's new pictures and frankly, I get pretty angry when it takes people longer than a couple of days to post something new. And now I will be one of those people. Hopefully I don't turn into some of my other peeves and cut people off when I'm driving, only to go below the speed limit. Give me sixty years, then we'll talk! After my roommate Emily made a blog she told me that I should make one too. I responded with, "What am I going to blog about...? 'Well, I woke up late today and then watched some tv.'" Hopefully this motivates me to do more exciting things with my life! And I know that you are all sitting on the edge of your seats, dying to know what those things are...Just wait for it!


Curtis and Jane said...

Rock on Becca! I am pretty pumped that I am in your first picture. Good work.

Freshy said...

Becca! How's it going. My blog link is wrong on your page. It won't connect. It should be:

instead of:

Peace in the middle east!

Jessica said...

Becca. How are you? It has been forever. I loved your photo's of downtown Portland. It makes me miss "home." We will have to get together, I'm going to be in Oregon mid July for a week.

Julie Brown said...

you make a really cute pilot! Keep posting my friend!!

M*L*E said...

Yo Becca! I can check this from work. Yeah! Now you can see that I am working really hard in the middle of the night! :)