I love my family. It makes me sad that there are so many people out there who hate their families, who only think of anger and bitterness when they think of those who share their blood. The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I am. I like to say that we're abnormally normal. :) I love that we actually like hanging out. I love that I talk to my mom every day because I want to. I love that we can watch home videos and laugh until we (literally) pee our pants. I love that we can do boring things and make them fun. I love our conversations that we have. I love playing Catch Phrase...especially with my mom who unknowingly turns into a racist when we play (I don't blame her for being ignorant to what Napster really is). I think what I love the most is that they are people who make me feel safe. No matter what kind of a day I had or what I'm going through I can come to them and feel okay. I always feel special and beautiful and loved when I'm with them. I also love that we can be complete dorks together--which does happen a lot. Sometimes I wish that I were a fly on the wall so that I could see us from the outside. :) So here are a few pictures...Love you guys!!
L-R: Curtis and I at Multnomah Falls, with Jane and Jenny, my mom reinacting the most disturbing face possible while Jane and I laugh so hard I almost couldn't breathe, Dan and Angela on their wedding day (I don't have any bad ones of them, so they get a good one), Ty...Wow, Jen and I doing what we do best, Jane and I at the Cheesecake Factory in San Fransisco, Jenny and I (yes, that's a parking garage), mom and dad asleep in NOTRE DAME...seriously??, Jen and I making funny faces with Jake (starting him off young), with mom and dad at Versailles, Jane and I (and then they repeat because I couldn't figure out how to not do that...)!!
Oh, how fun! Greg pix. :) And it's so true...love you!
Ohp, I meant GREAT pix, not GREG pix. Wow.
I couldn't be happier with my in-laws. No matter how ugly you all are, I still love you :o)
First off, you and Jenny doing what you do best about made me cry I was laughing so hard, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? Second, I only hope that my family can grow up abnormally normal too! My side of the family has a pretty good thing going, we could build off that, but Jason's family, DON'T even get me started! :)
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